It’s never long before a new Alloy user wants to put their atoms in a line. I found a question on Stack Overflow where a user wants to model a presentation as a sequence of slides. And here is a recording of a collaborative modelling session where the developers are exploring their pipeline design.

I was no different. One of the first things I tried with Alloy was modelling a linked list, and I could have done a better job. I’d love to show the mess I made, but I can no longer find it.

I want to show you how I make “straight lines” in Alloy.

Straight Lines

Of course, I am being informal when I say I will put my atoms in a straight line. The following model explains what I mean.

open relmath/order
open relmath/function

sig V { R: set V }

pred line(V: set univ, R: V->V) {

run { line[V,R] } for 5

It says a relation is a “line” when it is univalent and its transitive closure is a linear strict order. I keep those definitions in my relmath repo.


Suppose we want to model a presentation as a “line” of slides. Then we can write:

open relmath/function
open relmath/order

sig Presentation {
  Sld: set Slide,
  Nxt: Sld -> Sld

sig Slide {}

pred line(V: set univ, R: V->V) {

pred presentation(p: Presentation) {

run { all p: Presentation | presentation[p] } for 3

What about pipelines?


Here’s a model that I think captures the essence of the video’s pipeline:

open relmath/order
open relmath/function

sig Pipeline {
  , Stg: set Stage
  , Nxt: Stg -> Stg

sig Stage {
  , consume
  , produce: Format

sig Format {}

pred pipeline(p: Pipeline) {

pred coherent(p: Pipeline) {
  p.Nxt in produce.~consume

pred line(V: set univ, R: V->V) {

run { all p: Pipeline | pipeline[p] } for 3

Simply put, a pipeline is a “coherent line”. It is “coherent” in the sense that adjacent stages agree on the format they share.

No Sharing!

Both modellers mentioned another requirement that I still need to address. Neither of them wants their slides/stages shared between presentations/pipelines. I don’t fully understand their motivation for wanting this, but it is captured nicely by the concept of injectivity.

pred no_sharing(V: set univ, R: V->V) {

A related issue is when modellers want none of their atoms to be isolated w.r.t a relation. That’s captured by surjectivity/entirety.