Among Alloy’s samples is a model of the Halmos handshake puzzle. This post presents my attempt to express the model in a pointfree style.

Signatures and Relations

The model requires two relations over the set P of persons: I call them spouse and Shake.

sig  P { spouse: P, Shake:  set P }

The first thing to notice is that spouse is a function (i.e. a simple and entire relation).

The spouse Function

The comments in the original model make the translation into pointfree notation very easy. The requirement that “nobody is his or her own spouse” tells us that spouse should be irreflexive.

fact  spouse_irreflexive { no iden & spouse }

That “a person is his or her spouse’s spouse” is captured by saying that spouse is an involution.

fact  spouse_involutive { spouse.spouse = iden:>P }

That spouse is symmetric (“if q is p’s spouse, p is q’s spouse”) and “no spouse sharing” is a consequence of being an irreflexive and involutive function.

The Shake Relation

We must ensure that “nobody shakes own or spouse’s hand”. The “nobody shakes own” part is described by irreflexivity.

fact  Shake_irreflexive { no iden & Shake }

Symmetry encapsulates that “if p shakes q, q shakes p”.

fact  Shake_symmetric { Shake = ~Shake }

We now focus on the interaction between the spouse and Shake relations.

The Protocol

We must ensure that “nobody shakes spouse’s hand”. This means we need the two relations to be disjoint.

fact  spouse_Shake_disjoint { no spouse & Shake }

We now have a complete description of the handshaking protocol for the puzzle.

The Puzzle

The pointfree Alloy version of the puzzle predicate is problematic. I had to copy its definition from the original specification.

one  sig  H,  J  extends  P {}

pred  puzzle {
  H->J in spouse
  all p,q: P - J | p!=q => #p.Shake != #q.Shake

It turns out that while the transform is straightforward on paper, its translation into Alloy results in a model that the analyser can’t solve in a reasonable time. What’s also funny is that we can rewrite the quantified constraint using universal double trading and again arrive at a less performant model. I’d love to know what’s going on here.

I’m glad the transformation hasn’t been a complete waste of time. To see what I mean, run the following commands.

P10:  run puzzle for  exactly  10 P,  5 int expect  1
P12:  run puzzle for  exactly  12 P,  5 int expect  1
P14:  run puzzle for  exactly  14 P,  5 int expect  1
P16:  run puzzle for  exactly  16 P,  6 int expect  1

The pointfree constraints are less burdensome for the analyser to solve (the state space is smaller), and the results come more quickly. The transformation has been worthwhile.